NaNoWriMo Part 1

by Tess Adair


So, despite my previous feelings on the subject, I decided to do NaNoWriMo. If you know what NaNoWriMo is, you probably know that, traditionally, it happens in November. This is true. But November is months off, and I’m doing it now. As it happens, there’s a website-- does NaNoWriMo in April as well. So that’s what I’m doing. (Besides, as a permanent wayward son from my hometown who often only visits on Thanksgiving, November remains unrealistic for me.)


If you don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, let me stop abbreviating for a moment: National Novel Writing Month. For one month, people stop whatever else they’re doing and start writing a novel, with the aim of getting to 50,000 words by the end of the month.



It’s kind of an insane goal, but not necessarily impossible. If you want to do it, you aim to complete about 1667 words a day, every single day.



And since I’m doing NaNoWriMo, I’m not likely to have the time or the creative capacity to come up with new blog posts every week.



So I’m going to mark my progress instead. Consider this my first update.



Week 1


Words this week:

Best Day: Wednesday, bizarrely enough

# of words: 2303

Worst Day: Friday, April 1st

# of words: 186

Word Total for the Week: 7897

(count does not include today)

What was the biggest challenge this week?


Maintaining my concentration. I think I got better at it as the week went on, but I spent a lot more time on Facebook and Etsy this week than I should have. Also, every time I look around at our half-unpacked house, all I wanna do is finish setting it up. But there’s still way too much to be done on it to let myself get wrapped up in that.


What was the best sentence you wrote this week?


The experience was aggressively unpleasant.


Did you get any down time?


Yeah. Probably too much on Sunday, then not enough for the rest of the week.


Who was the worst on Star Trek: Deep Space 9?


Sadly, it was Dax. Both Jadzia Dax and Kurzon Dax. Mostly Kurzon...but also Jadzia. Buuuuuut as always it was also DEFINITELY Bashir. Bashir is always the worst.

That’s my roundup for this week, kids. See ya next week!